Get the perfect photo. Every time.

As a guy with a sister, girlfriend, and female friends, I get asked to take a lot of photos. And while I feel eternally blessed to be surrounded by so much feminine energy, I extremely dislike taking photos for them. At least, I used to.

You see, there’s few activities with a lower success rate than taking pictures for women. I would dread even being asked, because I knew it would inevitably lead to disappointment. I’d literally hold my thumb down on that dreaded circle, snapping hundreds of photos in a single session hoping that just one of them would be usable.

“I wish you could take it of yourself!” I would say in mock exasperation. Then it clicked. Why couldn’t they?

A new method for taking photos was born. Before starting, I have them set me up in the perfect location and take a couple pictures so they can find the perfect place to hold the phone. Once they find it, they freeze. I come over and grab the phone in the exact spot they were holding it.

It took all the guesswork out of the process. I no longer need a photography degree from an accredited university to help them post an instagram story.

And as an added bonus, I get some cute pics for my instagram too 😉


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